Sun Moves Into Aquarius- The Power of Love Will Always Outshine The Power of Dominance, Fixed Sign Party, You Are Me and I Am You

On January 19th, the Sun, which rules: our masculinity, ego and life force enters the airy and freedom loving sign of Aquarius. Aquarius, the 11th zodiac sign is known for being: progressive, radical, freedom based, people focused and the bearer of wisdom.
The Sun's entry into Aquarius will be a call for all the people to rise up and proclaim their sovereignty and equality. This is a taste of what is to come within the Aquarian Age of creating a utopia of consciousness here on Earth. Let the sunshine in, oh let it shine is the Aquarian utopia. This comes after a time of suppression from the powers that be. The Aquarius Sun wants us to feel free again. As we step into this new season, the Sun in Aquarius wants us to reinvent ourselves. It is time to take bold actions connected to our highest dreams and ideals. The power of our voice and intellect( the air signs strengths) will be particularly apparent at this time. No more second guessing our wild notions or unique contribution to the world. It is time to show up and raise the consciousness of our fellow man and woman!
Aquarius is often mistaken for a water sign, being that the sign is represented by a lady bearing water onto the earth. Aquarius is in fact an air sign but this confusion is often very integral in the personality of Aquarius. Aquarius energy is so futuristic and out there beyond human understanding that being misunderstood is common and sometimes even welcomed by the water bearer. Aquarius energy is weird. wild. inventive. detached. Aquarius energy believes in the individual, but that the group is also important. You can see the contradiction within that statement. The Aquarius Sun is here to say, " Life is a bunch of contradictions... how can you believe in you and also believe in the good for all?" Ponder that for a moment... as I came up with it.. in my own unique Aquarius Sun way.
The Sun in Aquarius is here to shine the light of human understanding and at the same time the honor of understanding the human as an individual. The Aquarius Sun joins a fixed sign party that is happening at the moment( Mercury in Aquarius, Mars in Taurus, Jupiter in Aquarius, Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus). The fixed signs( Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) are all in the middle of a season when things are rigid and set. They crave stability and at the same time they can be the most stubborn and resistant to being adaptable. Due to the abundance of fixed sign energy, it is important that we hold our ground but at the same time, adopt some of the Cardinal and Mutable energy into our lives. The Cardinal signs( Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) are all about leadership and drive. The Mutable signs( Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) are all about malleability and flexibility. Adding these qualities of both the Cardinal and Mutable signs will greatly help to balance out this Fixed sign madness.
Throughout my years studying astrology, I have noticed another interesting thing about the fixed signs. And before anyone gets crazy in the comment section, I am a Sun/Venus in Aquarius so this is also from my personal experience. I've noticed that the fixed signs have the hardest time with : being vulnerable and feeling out of control. Now I don't think anyone, no matter what sign/modality they are is completely comfortable with either of these feelings. The reason I mention it, is there is a real opportunity to breakthrough and conquer our fears surrounding being vulnerable and out of control. This is a big part of the energy of this time and I think so critical for our survival and progress forward. You can't create true leadership and true power( this is guided from my spirit team) without honoring both your vulnerability and fear of being out of control. The fear of both is an illusion in itself. Learning to embrace our softer sides and letting go are the keys to the kingdom at this time of the fixed sign dominance in the sky.
The Sun in Aquarius is here to challenge you to believe in yourself and at the same time create a sense of belonging and unity for all. What would it look like if we created a world that honored the individual within the group and the group within the individual? What if we could live in a time where everyone had each others' back? What if we lived in a time where war and violence was obsolete? The Aquarius Sun wants you to believe that anything and everything is possible. She is here to bring: an awakening of consciousness, a freedom to honor yourself with utmost respect and dignity and the awakening of the phrase: you are me and I am you. Happy Birthday to my fellow water bearers!
To see how the rest of 2021 will impact your zodiac sign specifically, click the link to access Astromomma's 2021 Written Horoscopes:
For every sale of the 2021 written horoscopes, I will donate $1 USD to, an amazing charity who donates critical resources to refugee mothers. Part of my vision for Astromomma is to create a positive impact for all people. I felt like this was a great way to give back. These 2021 written horoscopes are super affordable (only $5.99 USD/each) and displayed on an easy to read to PDF and can be sent to your family, friends and loved ones. At the end of January 2021, I will create a separate post to let you all know how much money was raised to I am so excited to share these all with you and thank you for your support and feedback!
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© Astromomma, 2020
Image: Fahmi Fauzi via ArtStation
#zodiac #astrology #astrologytransit #suninaquarius #aquarius #aquariusseason #love #freedom #unity #individuality #loveofthyself #loveofthyfellowman