Pluto in Aquarius 2024-2044- Transformation of Societal Norms, Evolution of Consciousness, Death/Rebirth of Technology

On January 20th/21st, we have the biggest astrological event of the year ( perhaps even the century) with Pluto moving back into the sign of Aquarius. The dwarf planet Pluto rules death/rebirth, intensity, transformation and massive psychological change. Aquarius, the 11th zodiac sign, deals with humanity, technology, innovation, independence and individuality.
Get ready as this transit will be a BIG one! Besides Pluto's transit to Aquarius briefly last year( from March-June 2023) he has not been in the sign of the water bearer since 1777! Besides a brief stint back to Capricorn in the fall of this year, Pluto will remain in the sign of Aquarius till 2044. Yes you read that right lol... 20 whole years!
Pluto in Aquarius is here to revolutionize and transform our experience of technology and societal norms. It is time to see radical and sophisticated inventions and technology( hello AI) like we have never seen before. Flying cars, robotic inventions and a whole new internet( maybe one we can't even imagine) could possibly be on the horizon.
Pluto in Aquarius will demand that we transform our level of thinking and how we relate to humanity as a whole. The days of the one percent ruling the planet will slowly but surely become a thing of the past. Aquarius rules humanity and the sign of the water bearer always stands up for the common people and the collective.
Expect many radical protests and declarations of independence over these next 20 years. Speaking of independence, the last time we experienced this transit was from 1777-1798. This time period saw: the Revolutionary War in the United States, the French Revolution, the rectification of the Bill of Right's, the discovery of the planet Uranus ( interestingly Aquarius's modern ruling planet) and the invention of the cotton gin, just to name a few events. Over the next 20 years, we can certainly see many "sub" communities form where people come together as a group to facilitate their own needs away from the mainstream. The rise of scientific inventions and extraterrestrial events will also be common. Astrology ironically is ruled by the sign of Aquarius so expect to also see growing interest and respect for this modality as well as a rise in other more progressive spiritual studies.
For those folks with their Sun, Moon or Ascendant signs in Aquarius, expect to see a radical and life changing time over these next two decades. Every part of your reality could soon be turned upside down by magical yet life changing circumstances. The second group most impacted will be folks with their Sun, Moon or Ascendant signs in the other fixed signs of : Taurus, Leo or Scorpio. Expect radical transformation with your home, relationships and livelihood. If you have ever had Pluto transit your Sun, Moon or Ascendant signs, you know what I am referring to. It is a radical and at times soul barring transit that will leave you transformed and revolutionized forever. For everyone else, check what area/house Aquarius rules in your natal chart to see where these massive and life changing ideas and circumstances will be impacting you the most. I am doing an extra special Extended sign horoscope on this transit on Patreon( see link below to join) where I can explain further how this will directly impact your sign.
Pluto in Aquarius is here to bring forth radical transformation to our society and technology for the next two decades. You will notice rapid and at times life changing technological and ideological breakthroughs. The first part of this cycle however could bring forth the "death" of outdated systems and structures that no longer support the greater good of the collective. The second part of this cycle is where amazing and unbelievable inventions and ideas will come to fruition. This transit is asking you to open up your mind to a world that involves workability for ALL, not just some of humanity. This in itself is a pretty far out concept. It is time to enter into a world that seeks to revolutionize the growth and expansion of the collective. Pluto's transit through the sign of the water bearer is ready to catapult technology to the next level, transform the existence of what it is to live in harmony together and to break down any systems that don't support the greater good of society as a whole.
To access my special extended sign horoscopes for this powerful + once in a lifetime transit of Pluto in Aquarius, please join me over on my Patreon page:
In the extended sign horoscopes on Patreon, I provide guidance and direction for each zodiac sign on what to focus on for this radical shift. All channeled from spirit. Thanks for your love and support!
© Astromomma, 2024
Image: @resimrulosu
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