New Moon in Sagittarius- Big Minded Thinking, Expansive Vibes, The Truth + Nothin but the Truth

On December 12th/13th, we have the optimistic New Moon at 20 degrees of Sagittarius. New moons are always a reset of the energy. They offer a fresh vibe of new beginnings, the slate being wiped clean and big starts. Sagittarius, the 9th zodiac sign is known to be philosophical, expansive, optimistic, truthful and adventurous.
The New Moon in Sagittarius is here to offer an amazing energy of expansive and hopeful vibes. There is a no BS energy with this new moon. Instead of being intense, this new moon will herald in bright and illuminating thoughts and ideas that will usher in growth and expansion into our lives. Sagittarius is known to be the archer of truth and many honest and revealing conversations could be taking place at this time. This new moon wants you to get real and to be brutally honest with yourself and others. Our inner guru will be lit up and in full display now. This is a great new moon to begin a course of study, travel abroad or introduce yourself to a new philosophy or educational system.
The higher vibration of the New Moon in Sagittarius will be about taking risks towards our heart's true calling and the ability to think bigger + better than we have in the past. The lower vibration of the New Moon in Sagittarius will be the tendency to display "foot in mouth syndrome" and to be overly "preachy" with our opinions and guidance. There is a balance that needs to be established with speaking our truth out of love and not out of proving a point or being righteous.
The New Moon in Sagittarius will be making a beneficial trine (120 degree aspect) to the North Node in Aries and a stressful square( 90 degree aspect) to Neptune in Pisces. The trine between the New Moon and the North Node will usher in new prosperous adventures. The North Node in astrology is an elliptical point on the moon's axis which points to our destiny and future. We will be very FIRED up to begin new projects that awaken our passion and purpose. The New Moon in a tense square to Neptune could add some delusion and grandiose levels of imagination to such dreams. We will have to be careful to not take on more than we can handle with this mutable aspect. Staying grounded could be rather challenging. The bright side of this Neptune aspect will be the ability to tap into our spiritual side with a renewed sense of inspiration and faith.
For those folks with their Sun, Moon or Ascendant signs on or close to 20 degrees of Sagittarius or the other mutable signs of: Gemini, Virgo or Pisces, expect to see the most changes with this New Moon in Sagittarius. Key areas of your life are up for review and you could be starting major new inspiring plans around your physical body, home, relationships and career. Thinking big and outside of the proverbial box is requested now. For everyone else, check where 20 degrees of Sagittarius falls in your natal chart to see where you will be starting new and inspiring plans and projects.
The New Moon in Sagittarius is here to usher in a breath of fresh air and new perspectives. No other sign is as committed to being free and open as a forward thinking Sag. We will be asked to come from a new place of authenticity. It is time to honor your inner truth with reverence and strength. This New Moon wants to bring out the inner optimist in us all. She is here to bring forth amazing new adventures, a sense of freedom + expansion and the ability to honor ourselves with authentic wisdom.
To access my special extended sign horoscopes for this wise + fiery New Moon in Sagittarius, please join me over on my Patreon page:
In the extended sign horoscopes on Patreon, I provide guidance and direction for each zodiac sign on what to focus on for this new moon. All channeled from spirit. Thanks for your love and support!
© Astromomma, 2023
Image: @ebrulillustrates
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