Mercury Direct in Libra- Compromising vs. Comparing, The Art of Peace, How Do We Find Balance Amongst the Chaos?

On November 3rd, Mercury, the planet of: communication, the mind and news, turns direct at 25 degrees of Libra. Libra, the 7th zodiac sign is known for: peace, equality, commitment, beauty and tact.
Mercury direct in Libra is here to restore our faith in relationships and the art of balance and peace. In a world where there seems to be little compromising and vast imbalances, the planet of the mind in the sign of compromise, wants us to regain our balance and sovereignty. For the past 3 weeks while Mercury was in retrograde motion, communication, contracts and business could have been stalled and confusing. Electronics and devices could have gone haywire and our sense of mental fortitude could have felt weakened. Now as the Mercury turns direct, slowly but surely there will be forward movement within our plans and endeavors.
The caveat, as there always is one, is Mercury's tense square to Saturn, the planet of: restriction, obligations and delays, who is in his home sign of Capricorn. Mercury square Saturn could add further delays and a tense, ominous presence to Mercury's abilities to move forward. Here in the US, as we await for the results of what could be the most important election of our modern times, I expect to see results drastically delayed with this aspect. The square aspects represent tension + adjustments and require extra levels of patience.
This will certainly be the case here in the US and throughout the world. The lesson with all squares is through persistence and flexibility. As much as Mercury wants to find peace and tranquility in the lovely sign of Libra, he will be met with restrictions + further delays of Saturn. Keeping calm while also holding our stance and ground will be imperative at this time.
Mercury direct in Libra is here to provide peace if that is your jam. Peace is an individual choice. Peace is created first within. It takes courage and fortitude to come from a loving and balanced state of mind. This isn't for the weak but rather attributed to the god/goddess within each of us. Even as I write this, I suspect potential rioting here in the US and to say I wasn't concerned would be a lie.
That being said, Mercury in Libra is here to teach myself and everyone else the art of calming the mind so it can re-connect with the heart. There are massive awakenings happening and with ease, grace and tact, we might actually be able to work together like we have never done before. Mercury direct in Libra is here to bring: the awareness that we need one another + the power of compromise, the art of finding balance within chaotic times and the ability to see both sides with love and understanding.
© Astromomma, 2020
Image: "Essence of Dreams" by Kristinatoxicpanda via DeviantArt
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