Full Moon in Gemini- Abundance Is a Mindset, Your Word Is Your Gateway to Freedom, Multiple Perspectives + Duplicity Abound

On December 18/19th, we have the blessed and fortunate Full Moon at 27 degrees of Gemini. The days leading up to a full moon are ripe with emotion and intensity. Full moons represent completions, fruition and endings. Gemini, the 3rd zodiac sign deals with communication, curiosity, learning, play and malleability.
The Full Moon in Gemini is here to bring forth all kinds of news and verbal epiphanies. No other sign is as curious and communication driven as the intellectual twin. Trying to hold a Gemini back from pondering and intellectualizing life is nearly impossible. These folks NEED to communicate like we need air to breathe. Their brains never stop. Their curiosity is endless. The ability to think outside of conventional reason is astounding.
Expect to hear all kinds of news from various sources and for your brain to buzzing and humming with all kinds of ideas and plans. You might notice it will be hard to concentrate and be focused on one thing at a time. Mutable signs( like the other mutable babes: Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) are constantly doing 5 things at once and are here, there and everywhere. The energy will be hard to figure out and all over the place. Grounding yourself will be challenging but imperative as mutable energy is about dexterity and malleability. For folks who have their Sun, Moon or Rising signs, or any inner planet such as: Mercury, Venus or Mars around the 27th degree of Gemini( +/- 3 degrees) expect this Full Moon to bless you the most. For everyone else, check where 27 degrees of Gemini falls in your chart to see where these intellectual breakthroughs will occur.
This is an excellent time to focus on bringing the final touches to a blog, book or any other intellectual masterpiece. The quickness of your mental capabilities will be at an all time high. Also, anything that needs to be communicated will also be highlighted. If you have been wanting to have a conversation but have felt stumped on how to express yourself, you could find that Full Moon aids your ability to speak up. The downfall to this Full Moon could be around indulgence in talking just to talk or getting involved in gossip. Make sure that your words hold substance and value. Some could be quite chatty and go off the rails with their verbal expressions.
The Full Moon in Gemini will be making a glorious and beneficial trine( 120 degree aspect) to Jupiter, the planet of abundance, luck and wisdom, who is currently in the sign of Aquarius. The Full Moon in Gemini in a trine to Jupiter could bring our deepest desires and dreams to reality. Something magical and mystical is sure to happen with this meetup. Since Gemini and Aquarius both deal with the intellect, many breakthroughs around communication devices, inventions and self expression will be possible. Some interesting and far out visions could also be supported and created at this time.
The Full Moon in Gemini is here to open up your mind and heart to unlimited curiosity and play. Remember what play feels and looks like? Have we "adulted" to the place of no return, lol? If so, no worries, this Full Moon will remind you of the power of your imagination and the beautiful existence of being in the moment. This social and whimsical Full Moon wants you to honor your lighter and more carefree side. Again, this might have been lost amongst all of the recent heaviness and constant news of upset and sadness. The Full Moon in the sign of the twin wants you to honor your inner child with respect and delight. She is here to bring in all kinds of interesting communication, remind you of the power of flexibility and adaptability and to allow you to honor your inner child's call for freedom and adventure.
To access my special extended sign horoscopes for this beautiful and blessed Full Moon in Gemini, please join me over on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/astromomma
In the extended sign horoscopes on Patreon, I provide guidance and direction for each zodiac sign on what to focus on for this lunation and what to release + a special mantra to focus on. All channeled from spirit. Thanks for your love!
© Astromomma, 2021
Image: @sarahmeijerart
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