Full Moon in Cancer- A Healing Balm of Excitement + Progress, Blessings at the End of a Difficult Year, Coming Back Home to Your Soul

On December 29/30th, we have the last Full Moon of 2020, with a beautiful and healing Full Moon at 8 degrees of Cancer. Full Moons are always super emotional and herald: endings, manifestations and completions. Cancer, the 4th zodiac sign, is known to represent: nurturing, mother energy, tenderness, home + family and roots. It is time to come back home to a part of ourselves and heal our weary and tired hearts. As this year comes to an end, the star gods want us to seek a sense of love and tender care for ourselves and others. A healing balm of protection is here.
A Full Moon in her home sign of Cancer is just what our soul has desired. The universe wants to grant us finally some solace and reprieve. We are ready to look forward and rebuild again.
While this lunar event will certainly still be emotional, there is divine healing to La luna in her home sign of the crab. We are being asked to nurture ourselves and find a place of unconditional love and understanding.
This Full Moon will conjure up some deep feelings connected to our family and sense of home. This is an excellent time to go within and let our emotions be felt. This could be rather confronting as this past year has brought up so many of our deepest fears. We might want to run away from such feelings but spirit's advice is to embrace and accept the truth about how we feel. It is time with this Full Moon to nurture our soul back to a place of innocence and wonder.
Cancer is indeed one of the most tender of all the signs of the zodiac. But Cancer is also one of the most protective and strong signs as well. True forgiveness for ourselves and others is what this lunation is asking from each of us. Connecting on a level of understanding and compassion is possible now. Being born on a full moon in Cancer myself, I can tell you that my greatest strength is my compassion but also my ability to be discerning.
All Cancer moon natives have this trait.
You might be completing a cycle around your inner feminine or with your mother at this time. We are being asked to embrace our divine feminine attributes. Divine feminine energy is compassionate but also recognizes her boundaries. Divine feminine energy is forgiving but also stands her ground. Divine feminine energy is giving but also knows how to receive. Whether you are a woman or a man, we all have this divine feminine energy within us. Many folks could finally heal a deep wound connected to feeling unloved or abandoned at this full moon. Spirit is requesting that we surrender and hold a sacred space of healing for ourselves. This takes
honor. This is a journey, not a destination, so go easy on yourself and others.
The Full Moon in Cancer is making a lovely 60 degree sextile to retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Uranus, is the planet of: invention, surprises and enlightenment. Taurus, is the sign of: resources, values and self- love. The Full Moon in a lovely dance with retrograde Uranus in Taurus will usher in a wave of invention and genius around our emotions and home life. There could be some kind of liberation from past based emotions that generates a sense of excitement and freedom. We might want to try something completely different within our domestic life or personal routines. This aspect will have us contemplating new ways to express ourselves and while this will feel freeing, there will also be a sense of grounded energy present.
The Full Moon in Cancer is here to bring tender and loving energy into our lives. After such a hard year, we are finally ready to heal and mend the parts of ourselves that have felt drained and worn out. A majestic and motherly influence is ready to greet us. This tenderness and compassion is first found within our soul. We are then able to extend this loving energy to those around us. The Cancer full moon wants you to embrace your feelings with grace. There is nothing wrong with being emotional or tender. This vulnerability takes courage and grit. Let it up and let it out my loves. The Cancer full moon wants you to feel it all. She is here to: have you complete a cycle of trauma around your home + family, embrace your emotions with tender love and care and realize the beauty of your soul's journey back to unconditional love + compassion.
courage. To see how the Full Moon in Cancer + other planetary influences will personally impact you, click here for my astrology and tarot services: https://www.astromomma.com/collections/readings
I extended my holiday sale till the end of January( my birth month + special gift to you) and all readings are 20% off using the code: ASTRO20
I know it's not an easy time for many, and your support allows Astromomma to stay afloat and provide guidance to so many people. Thanks for your trust and contribution to the page. Happy Full Moon in Cancer my loves!!
© Astromomma, 2020
Image: The High Priestess by Casimir Lee
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