Astromomma's 5th Birthday- THANK YOU!! Your Love and Support is SO Appreciated, A Tribe of Loving + Amazing Beings

Hey Astromomma Fam! Today is a special day in Astromomma's journey! It is Astromomma's 5th birthday!! What a wild and wonderful ride it has been! I can't believe it has been 5 years since I created my first post. I am so grateful for your continued love and support!
When I was 12 years old, my love affair with astrology began. This coincided with my Jupiter return( in Sagittarius) and I was seeking reprieve and answers that always seemed to be out of my grasp and reach. I was so lost, confused and awkward. When I found astrology, my whole life opened up in unimaginable and magical ways. It was like I had found a secret code of knowledge that just "got" me. I proceeded to share it with everyone, and I mean everyone lol. While most people were very enthusiastic and supportive of my new love affair, I also received a fair share of harsh criticism, bullying and even threats of physical harm. I promised myself even in those times of being misjudged and bullied that I wouldn't give up on astrology's power to heal and transform lives. There was a fire in my belly and a passion in my bones that I just couldn't shake. I made a vow to myself to share my knowledge and wisdom with whoever was open to receiving it.
Little did I know that I would be in the position that I am today. I want to first thank all of you ( even my haters lol) as you have shown me that my life long mission indeed could come true. Astromomma wouldn't be where it is now without your loving support and encouragement. I am forever in your debt for believing in me and standing by me.
For anyone who has that same fire in your belly + passion in your heart, go out there and express it. You never know who you will touch and inspire. The time is NOW. There is no tomorrow. The world needs this light and support more than ever!
Thank you again for being here on this amazing + sometimes challenging journey with me. To the 12 year old girl who never dreamed of being known for my love and gift, you have shown me and the world that ANYTHING + EVERYTHING is possible. I love you all + appreciate each and everyone of you!
© Astromomma, 2022
Image: @ebrulillustrates
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