Solar Eclipse in Libra- Equal Reciprocity, Do You Feel Balanced?, Justice for All or Justice for No One

On Oct 2nd/3rd, we have another eclipse, this time a Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees in the sign of Libra. Solar Eclipses are new moons on steroids and herald 10x the intensity of a regular new moon. They represent massive fated new starts, beginnings and the slate being wiped clean. Libra, the 7th zodiac sign deals with relationships, commitments, balance, unity and justice.
Get ready! While this Solar Eclipse in Libra might not be as emotional as the previous Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, it will still be super powerful!
The Solar Eclipse in Libra will be meeting up with the South Node who is also in Libra. The South Node in astrology is a fated point on the moon's axis which represents letting go, release and the past. While we will be establishing lots of "new" things for this Solar Eclipse, with the South Node in the mix, some of these beginnings could be tied to people and situations from the past. Big time healing and releasing around relationship patterns will be common.
The Solar Eclipse in Libra is here to have you begin new cycles connected to how you relate to relationships in your life. As mentioned above with the South Node in conjunction to this eclipse, someone or something could be leaving your life. If this happens don't fret. Eclipse energy can bring in surprises and shocks. The universe is wise however so my advice is to not resist these shifts but rather to honor them and go with the flow. Many commitments could be tested now and if you do exit certain partnerships, trust that this is making room for new relationships to enter into your life that bring fairness, equality and justice.
The Solar Eclipse in Libra is making a tense square( 90 degree aspect) to Mars, the planet of war, aggression and passion, which is currently in the sign of Cancer. The Solar Eclipse in a contentious battle to Mars could bring in lots of power struggles that could be emotional and all over the place. Passion and excitement could also be common. If you leave one relationship, this aspect could have you impulsively enter into a new one. Be careful here as impulsivity never brings in anything with substance and longevity. This aspect could bring in arguments around being "right" and disagreements with who is the "boss" in connections. The positive way to channel this aspect is around taking action in connections to create a more balanced union + a fighting spirit of working on relationship issues instead of running away from them.
For folks with their Sun, Moon or Ascendant signs on or around 10 degrees of Libra or the other Cardinal signs of: Aries, Cancer or Capricorn, expect to feel this Solar Eclipse's effects the most. Major revisions and new starts connected to your relationships and sense of cooperation could be up for review for the next 6 months to 1 year. New starts come in without warning which could manifest from big endings initially. For everyone else, check where 10 degrees of Libra falls in your natal chart to see where these new beginnings connected to relationships and equality could be playing out in your life. I will of course be doing a special Extended sign horoscope on my Patreon page if you would like a personalized forecast for your sign. I offer tips and guidance with these forecasts and they are special + impactful( link to join Patreon is below).
The Solar Eclipse in Libra is here to bring forth new chances to balance out your life and your relationships. True mastery around balance first begins within the self. You can't enter into a harmonious union with another until you take on finding harmony within yourself. Big lessons around what is fair and just could take place now. Karma for past deeds will now be exposed. If connections leave your life, don't fight it. This eclipse wants to bring in new levels of awareness around what is fair and what or who needs to be eliminated to make such fairness possible. The Solar Eclipse in Libra is here to bring in a massive reset connected to commitments, help us balance out parts of ourselves that might have gotten discombobulated and the reminder of what true harmony and justice looks and feels like.
To access my special extended sign horoscopes for this powerful + intense Solar Eclipse in Libra, please join me over on my Patreon page:
In the extended sign horoscopes on Patreon, I provide guidance and direction for each zodiac sign on what to focus on for this Solar eclipse. All channeled from spirit. Thanks for your love and support!
© Astromomma, 2024
Image: @myrarodx
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