New Moon in Aries- The Dawn of A New Life, Fire in the Belly, Passion in the Heart, Time to Forge a Brand New Path of Unlimited Possibilities

New Moon in Aries- The Dawn of A New Life, Fire in the Belly, Passion in the Heart, Time to Forge a Brand New Path of Unlimited Possibilities



On April 1st, we have the promising and lit up New Moon at 12 degrees of Aries. The days leading up to a new moon can be tense and uneasy. Being that there is no moonlight to guide our sensitive spirit's, a rise in anxiety and fear can be felt by many. New Moons themselves hold the promise of a fresh perspective, the slate being wiped clean and new possibilities. Aries, the 1st zodiac sign, is known to be adventurous, entrepreneurial, fiery, innovative and an inspirational leader. It takes a lot to bear the weight of being the first zodiac sign.


The New Moon in Aries is here to light a fire in our bellies and to ignite fresh plans, perspectives and ideas to bloom in full force. Aries' energy is anything but shy and withdrawn. Ruled by the planet Mars, Aries is a sign that is a warrior and one that will stand up to anyone or anything that gets in their way. A huge boost of energy is certain to be felt by all. 


While this past Pisces season is still lingering a bit with Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune all in the sign of the fish, with the New Moon we will be slowly emerging from the fog and confusion of the past month. A brave and "take no shit" attitude will come forth with La luna in Aries. No more waiting or stalling. Aries energy is all about the present moment and being ready to go, go, go and to go, go, go some more. This is an excellent lunation to begin a brand new project, business or enterprise. The astrological gods will be encouraging everyone to get moving and grooving with vigor and fortitude. 


For anyone who has their Sun, Moon or Ascendant signs close to 12 degrees of Aries( +/- 5 degrees) will feel this inspirational New Moon the most. Expect to get a surge of willpower and to want to take a major stand in your life. For everyone else, check where 12 degrees of Aries falls in your natal birth chart to see where you will be in action in bold and courageous new ways. A breath of fresh air + unlimited potential will be felt by all with this transit. 


The New Moon in Aries is here to have you forge a path of individual freedom with passion, excitement and innocence. Being that Aries is the first zodiac sign, I often attribute this sign to the resemblance of a newborn. It is time to begin again and to feel a spark of aliveness and exuberance. Being that Aries is also a fire sign means that the internal flames of leadership and accountability will be noticed and felt by all. It is time to let go of the old and welcome your new life. The winds of anything and everything being possible are here. In a world that has been weighed down by tragedy and sorrow, we are craving this reprieve more than ever.  The New Moon in Aries is here to grace your life with a spark of genius and enterprise, give you the courage to be your most authentic self and to remind you that at any time and under any circumstances you can begin again!


To access my special zodiac sign predictions for this prosperous New Moon in Aries, please join me over on Patreon:

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© Astromomma, 2022

Image: Tumblr: @theartofdreamsofgrandeur, "Fragments X" 

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