Full Moon in Cancer- The Tenderness You Seek is Always Within, Emotional Breakthroughs, ALLOW + SURRENDER

On January 6th, we have the uber emotional and sensitive Full Moon at 16 degrees of Cancer. Full moons in general are always ripe with heightened feelings + intensity. They represent endings, culminations and manifestations. Cancer, the 4th zodiac sign deals with emotions, family, roots, nourishment and matters with our home.
The Full Moon in Cancer is here to bring up a plethora of raw and vital emotions to the surface. No other moon is as tender and emotionally charged as this baby! Since the Moon rules the sign of Cancer, there is a "coming home" effect of full power and strength with this lunation. No one will be able to escape the tender, deep and intense feelings that are sure to ensue at this time. Matters to do with family, home and honoring our emotional center will be highlighted now.
The beauty of this Full Moon will be its ability to make us fully aware of how tender and sensitive we truly are. Tears will be plenty and the universe is asking that we hold space for ourselves and one another. True unconditional love is honoring ourselves and each other for who we are and we are not. It is this acceptance and surrender that will allow a brand new space of authentic vulnerability to shine through. Us Cancer moon folks know a thing or two about ALLOWING + SURRENDER. Be gentle with yourself. Be kind with yourself. Honor your deepest feelings and bear witness to the beauty and magic of such emotions + your soul's growth.
The Full Moon in Cancer will make a sextile or harmonious 60 degree aspect to retrograde Uranus, the planet of surprises, enlightenment, chaos, who is currently stationing to soon go direct in the sign of Taurus. The Full Moon in harmony with retrograde Uranus will bring forth brand new vistas of emotional insights and awakenings. While we will be deep in our feelings, there is an epiphany that will occur around our soul's growth + consciousness. Surprises are sure to be many and they will come out of nowhere. Uranus in its lower vibration represents a breakdown in order to free oneself + a chaotic vibe of uncertainty. Uranus in its higher vibration represents a breakthrough in our understanding of change + transformation that enables us to feel free + empowered in our individuality. During this Full Moon we will be asked to become enlightened within the emotional chaos + to honor ourselves + each other with tenderness, compassion and unconditional love.
For folks who have their Sun, Moon or Ascendant signs on or close to 16 degrees of Cancer( +/- 5 degrees) expect HUGE awakenings emotionally that could impact you for quite some time. Big breakthroughs within your home, family and your own soul's growth are now possible. Give yourself the space and grace to allow your feelings to come up and out. Repression is never a good idea but especially even more so now. For everyone else, check where 16 degrees of Cancer falls in your natal chart to see where these intense emotional experiences will play out in your own life. For further insights and guidance, below is the link to Patreon and my extended sign horoscopes. I provide guidance and support that is all channeled from spirit. Thanks for your support + love as always!
The Full Moon in Cancer is here to have you come back home to your emotions in a powerful and potent way. As mentioned above, there is a level of surrender and vulnerability that wants to be known and acknowledged now. It is time to honor your sensitivity + emotions and to hold space for others. We are all in this together. This Full Moon will highlight the interconnectedness that we all collectively share. It is time to mother yourself and to be extra extra gentle. The Full Moon in Cancer is here to bring forth HUGE emotional breakthroughs + epiphanies, the space to recognize and honor your sensitivity and the understanding and awareness of the tenderness + love within your soul.
To access my special extended sign horoscopes for this emotional Full Moon in Cancer, please join me over on my Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/astromomma
In the extended sign horoscopes on Patreon, I provide guidance and direction for each zodiac sign on what to focus on for this sensitive Full Moon and what to release + a special mantra to focus on. All channeled from spirit. Thanks for your love!
© Astromomma, 2023
Image: @spookygirlart
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